Placetel Trunking
SIP Trunk: the alternative to your ISDN connection, system connection or primary multiplex connection (PMX connection)!
What is trunking?
With SIP trunking from Placetel, you simply connect your telephone system to the telephone network via your Internet connection. This allows you to conduct your incoming and outgoing voice traffic via your broadband connection at Placetel. The connection works like an ISDN connection, system connection or primary multiplex connection PMX connection. A prerequisite for good voice quality is that your Internet line has sufficient bandwidth. 100 kb/s of bandwidth is required per channel.
VoIP connection (SIP trunk) is basically compatible with any trunking & software-enabled telephone system such as Asterisk telephone systems.
Analogue was the day before yesterday: Save up to 50% on telephone costs with Placetel SIP Trunking!
You still do have questions or would like to have a personal consultation?
Contact our team in Paderborn at (0 52 51) 202 0 505 or send us an enquiry by e-mail form.